Exercising while pregnant – the dos and don’ts

by Matt Hodges
12 June 2015

Exercising While Pregnant - The MPH Method

Nothing should stand in the way of your good health and fitness – not even pregnancy. That said – it probably comes as no surprise to learn that when you are pregnant, you have to make some adjustments to your workout regime.

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How aromatherapy can support your health and fitness programme

by Matt Hodges
05 June 2015

Aromatherapy - The MPH Method

The best workouts are the ones that start with a burst of natural energy and leave you feeling exhausted (in a good way) and relaxed afterwards. But in reality, it can be hard to muster up these feelings day after day.

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Need motivation? Here are 5 great apps to get you fitter, faster.

by Matt Hodges
18 May 2015

Last week was “Walk to Work Week” – a feature of National Walking Month, Living Streets’ annual campaign to get everyone in the UK moving.

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You ran the London Marathon on Sunday. What now?

by Matt Hodges
30 April 2015

The finish line may be a distant memory, but that doesn’t mean that your marathon experience is over. In the week after the marathon your muscles will ache like never before, you will be absolutely starving – all the time (!), and your feet will be cut and sore.

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How to Deliver Fitness Training to Children in 5 Easy Steps

by Matt Hodges
20 March 2015

How to Deliver Fitness Training to Children - The MPH Method

Childhood obesity has become a serious problem in recent years. A 20-year King’s College London study of electronic health records, published online in Archives of Disease in Childhood has found that a third of children in England are overweight. So, what’s causing it. The main culprits are inactive lifestyles, junk food and fizzy drinks.

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Acupuncture – Does It Sharpen Your Fitness Skills?

by Matt Hodges
08 March 2015

Acupuncture - does it sharpen your fitness skills? - The MPH MethodEvery fitness fanatic knows that your workout regime doesn’t begin and end in the gym. Fitness is a lifestyle, and your progress in the gym can be drastically helped or hindered by the choices you make in between sessions.

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The Anatomy Of A Great Abs Workout

by Matt Hodges
27 February 2015

When it comes to bodies and working out, everyone has his or her problem area. For many of us though, it’s a safe bet to assume that our focus is on improving our abs.

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How To Sell Rest Times To A Skeptic

by Matt Hodges
18 February 2015

How to sell rest times to a skeptic - The MPH Method

It’s hard to believe that you can exercise too much – but ‘over-training’ is an extremely common problem among professional athletes and recreational gym goers alike. Continuous exercise can actually diminish your performance, slow down your progress and even damage your muscles. Why? Because your body needs rest times so that it can recover between training sessions.

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What Cardio Should I Be Doing?

by Matt Hodges
21 August 2014

Over the past year I’m hearing more and more of you ask me what sort of cardio you should be doing with varying goals and objectives. Unfortunately it is hard to answer because most of you have goals that are too broad e.g. I want to cut fat but I also still want to be able to run a half marathon. That said, In this article I’ll show you the different forms of cardio you can implement for the different goals you might want to prioritise.

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The 15 Minute Work & Home Workout

by Matt Hodges
08 October 2013

I cant remember how many times I’ve heard people say to me something along the lines of ‘But I just don’t have time to do any exercise, I work all day’, and yet the majority of us still find the time to scrawl social media and You Tube at work. Yes you know who you are, you’ve been caught out! Stop making excuses, it’s time to step up to the plate and start moving.

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