Diary Of A Hardgainer – Part 2/2

by Matt Hodges
28 June 2012

Fitness Instructor London, Personal Trainer London

I hope that those of you who read Diary Of A Hardgainer Part 1 can sympathise with some of the issues presented in the article. Part 2 is here to try to re-assure all those who find it hard to gain muscle and answer some of the questions that I see a lot of muscle building forums. Most of the questions all have a common answer, so before we go into each individual question I think it only appropriate that we tackle this little meany first………

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Beware the ‘Celebrity Trainer’

by Matt Hodges
19 June 2012

Fitness Instructor London, Personal Trainer London

Let’s be honest. We all want to look our best, improve our health and fitness levels and in some cases, achieve the body or look of our favourite actor or actress. Why not? They’re glamorous, beautiful and usually have the body of a Greek god or goddess. In addition to this, stars in the action genre also have to be in peak physical shape for the demands of their roles and to do this they have to adhere to a strict regimen of diet and exercise. The difference between us and them is that, usually they have a well paid personal trainer and nutritionist to help them stay on track and these days an increasing number of everyday folk are following suit.

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Diary Of A Hardgainer – Part 1/2

by Matt Hodges
26 April 2012

Fitness Instructor London, Personal Trainer London

After a drastic (or what I thought drastic) 10 minutes with the tape measure and a decreasing level of low self esteem I find myself writing up this article not about the size of my manhood, no, but the on-going battle I have with muscle and my motivation to build the stuff.

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An Intro to Peak Performance within Nutrition

by Rosie Millen
12 April 2012

Fitness Instructor London, Personal Trainer LondonHere’s my Intro to Peak Performance within Nutrition. You have to eat right to help you get the most out of your workouts. Without adequate nutrition, the body is placed under a little stress, which can affect both performance & recovery.

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The Hybrid Single Leg Exercise

by Matt Hodges
09 March 2012

You want to make your legs stronger? The Hybrid Single Leg Exercise is a great one to try.

You essentially get two exercises in one:

  • Reverse lunge
  • Single leg Romanian deadlift (RDL)

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Vita Coco

by Matt Hodges
06 March 2012

Fitness Instructor London, Personal Trainer London


Having been in the fitness industry for many years now, I tend to see products/services crop up every year that everyone latches on to and more than likely it’ll be celebrity endorsed. Most do not have the longevity and end up being a topic of conversation in a few years time:

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The ‘Cross-Over Set’ – fluidity in sessions

by Matt Hodges
15 February 2012

Fitness Instructor London, Personal Trainer London


On the days that you wish to train two large muscle groups an effective way of bridging the gap between isolation exercises is to practice Cross-Over setting. The Cross-Over set refers to three sets that link two muscle groups via a superset and always compound. This set can be solely resistance based exercises or a cardio/resistance based circuit.

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Intermittent Fasting: The Basics

by Rosie Millen
08 February 2012

Fitness Instructor London, Personal Trainer London

What is Intermittent Fasting?

Intermittent Fasting (IF) is, in it’s simplest definition, a pattern of alternately eating and then fasting, during which the person typically consumes only water.  While there are many juice and smoothie fasts, these generally do not fall within the IF category.

Within the field of Intermittent Fasting there are many specific structures, ranging from Alternate Day Fasting (where people fast for 24 hours followed by 24 hours’ non-fasting) to various structures of eating within a time-limited period each day, perhaps over just 4 or 8 hours.

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How To Get Strong Without Using Heavy Loads

by Matt Hodges
02 February 2012

Fitness Instructor London, Personal Trainer London

Traditionally athletes have got stronger by lifting heavy weights, or in other words incorporating exercises with a high external load.

Examples include:

The back squat, where a heavy loaded barbell is placed across the upper back.

The military press, where a heavy barbell is pressed from the shoulders overhead.

The deadlift, where a heavy barbell is lifted off the floor.

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Injury Prevention During Exercise

by Tim Allardyce
01 February 2012

Fitness Instructor London, Personal Trainer London

While exercise is one of the key ingredients for health, it also comes with a risk of injury if proper precautions are not followed. Differences in anatomical and physiological factors make women more prone to certain types of injuries compared to men. For example, female athletes have been reported to be 2-8 times more likely to be affected from injury to the knee or the ankle compared to males. Nevertheless, follow all of the advice in this article and you will certainly reduce your risk of getting injured.

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