Why Love Island is killing the fitness industry

by Matt Hodges
30 June 2017


…and nutritionists, make-up artists and anyone else who makes a living by helping people to ‘look better’.

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Pompeii: The Kit Harington Workout

by Matt Hodges
29 April 2014

Pompeii - The Kit Harington Workout by The MPH Method

Most of you will know Kit Harington from the epic series Game Of Thrones where he plays the sultry Jon Snow. Forever clad in fur and animal hide no one has ever really got to see his physique. That is until now….

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Don Jon: The Workout

by Matt Hodges
18 October 2013

As 2013 is coming to a close, Hollywood is gearing up for the Christmas film rush. As the final roster of releases have been announced, Joseph Gordon-Levitt (Looper, Inception, 50/50) is putting forward his first written, directed and starred in film: ‘Don Jon’.

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KickAss 2 – Get The Superhero Body

by Matt Hodges
13 May 2013

‘Kickass’ wowed our screens in 2010 with some great martial art choreography, a devilishy dark but humorous script and some delightfully colourful language that left us only hoping that there would be a Kickass 2. As summer is slowly approaching we are getting ready for the release of the wonderful sequel to Matthew Vaughns’ epic tale of kid vs evil.

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An Interview With……Ben Challenger

by Matt Hodges
24 October 2012

Fitness Instructor London, Personal Trainer London


I’ve known Ben now for a few years through a mutual friend and I thought it’d be useful for you guys to get a brief insight about his past as an Olympian. Whilst the summer of 2012 was a huge success, its very rare that the public get an see into the lives of these athletes and how hard they train. Take note at the end of the interview Ben speaks about future competition. It’s true that sports men and women NEVER give up! Enjoy….

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Beware the ‘Celebrity Trainer’

by Matt Hodges
19 June 2012

Fitness Instructor London, Personal Trainer London

Let’s be honest. We all want to look our best, improve our health and fitness levels and in some cases, achieve the body or look of our favourite actor or actress. Why not? They’re glamorous, beautiful and usually have the body of a Greek god or goddess. In addition to this, stars in the action genre also have to be in peak physical shape for the demands of their roles and to do this they have to adhere to a strict regimen of diet and exercise. The difference between us and them is that, usually they have a well paid personal trainer and nutritionist to help them stay on track and these days an increasing number of everyday folk are following suit.

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